Sunday, May 10, 2009

Where are we going for Med-school???

We cannot believe how fast time as flown. We will be moving away for medical school in about 2-3 months. We are getting excited to choose a medical school and start making future plans. So where are we going?? We have not made our official decision yet. We are STILL waiting to hear back from three schools before we decide...but we think it may be Iowa or Virginia. We will keep ya posted. We should know in the next month...or we hope. Please keep in touch and check our blog. I know I have been so bad at updating the blog..but now that I'm graduated I have a lot more time and will keep it up to date. I want this to be a good way to keep in touch, especially with us moving. Love you all and hope everyone is doing good!


Roy and Angie Smith said...

Congratulations on graduation you two. The feeling of being done is great. Enjoy it, because life will get busy again before you know it. We can't wait to find out where you are moving.

Rach Romney said...

YEAH no more school!! Congrats to both of you! I MISS ya tonz!! Glad you guys are doing good and please lets get together really SOON!! you look GREAT! luv ya and hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

You go girl! I am so proud of you for graduating. What an accomplishment, you should feel proud. Now you can put Brandon through school.

Hope you are doing good. I just wanted to say hi :)

Anonymous said...

Jack! I am going to miss you! I cant believe you have to move away for so long! I miss you! We need to get together soon! Love ya!

JoAnna Fountain said...

Sounds familiar...We are down to two schools! Jac we are almost there!

Chelsea said...

enough already! we are waiting to hang out with you guys. when you finish celebrating being done with school, you should call us back.

Drew said...

I think Brandon should go to Med School in Ethiopia, he'd fit right in...

RyanandHailee said...

Hey Girlie!! We are done can you believe it!! I am so sad I can't hardly stand it to not see you everyday :( But we will get together a bunch beofre you move for sure! Love ya

Jenna said...

I just have to say you're the greatest! I missed you Saturday but let's hang out ASAP!!! I know you said that Brandon was going to be busy soon, so call me and we can do some girl stuff.

whitney said...

