This is where Brandon has been spending most of his time since the end of April. He has been studying so hard, to prepare for the MCAT. He takes the exam this friday, May 23rd. He can not wait to get it over with. He is so disciplined with studying and i know he will do a great job! He should get his score about three weeks after the exam and then the applications for medical school will be submitted. We are looking forward to see what schools are interested in him and where our options are for medical school.
We are both not in school for the summer and are looking forward to spending alot of time together after he is done with the MCAT. We are both working full time in the summer until school starts up again in the fall.
Good Luck Brandon! We love you guys. So many new posts, way to go Jaclyn!!!
It sounds like you guys are doing good. Good luck on the MCAT Brandon. Scott is getting ready to take his DAT so we know how you guys feel. Keep in touch!
Hi guys, this is Kensie and I was just looking at Blog's and saw your name so I wanted to say Hi and good luck Brandon, that is so great that you are already taking the MCAT.
You are like the post queen all of a sudden. Wow, good job. You guys seem like you're doing really well.
So you've been hard at work updating your blog! Thanks! I always check. It looks like you guys are doing so good. I guess Brandon took his test today. I hope you guys are out on a really fun date to celebrate!
hey jaclyn its ashley knipe! i found you a while agao but i don't know if you got my comment or not. but i watned to say hi and tell you you are so cute and it looks like you have a happy life together! keep in touch!
In this pic Brandon's face is saying "Why are you taking this silly picture?" am I right, am I right? jk but I thought it was funny =)
So I talked to Andrea and lets do a shower for her when she comes back to visit in August. That way we can all see her looking way pregnant. Miss you guys, hope everything is going good.
If you want to go camping with us that would be awesome. We are trying to go lots now, but it's funner when you have more people to play games and sit by the fire with. We also grill at least once a week so we'd be happy to have you guys over for a BBQ. Seriously, let's get together. It'd be a Brandon fest! My #'s at the bottom of my blog.
I am so glad that you both will have a bit of a break with school to spend time with each other! We miss you guys so much, and are sad that we aren't going to the reunion. Say hi to everyone for us! That is ok though, because we will see you the following week out here in CT. Kate can't wait for aunt Jaclyn to come out and play!
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